PORT ST I (ILIAN, (Mid a/ifiewifymuth
R O U N D T H E W O R L D . 69
Orellana *nd his followers, whom-we have formerly mentioned,-
is a memorable inftaflce, Ind,e?d, were we difpofed to aim at the
u t t e r fubverfion of the j f f l power in. America, no means feem
more probable to ,efffea;it, than due.encouragement.,andaffift;wce
given to thefe Indians,. ,and thofe.-pf-f^t-
Thus m u c h , may fuffice, ^relation to the eaftern coaft o f Pa-
tas-onk. The weftern ,coaft is pf lqfs extent; und, by reafon pf
the Andes wfaiph f o it, $ p |W B $ gSB T V *
a very rocky and dangerous Atopy However, I lhall be g p j i k
neceffitated. to make .further mention of it, and therefore lhall not
en arge thereon a t M i {. but lhall conclude this.accpunt with
a ffiort defcription o f the-harbour, o f St. Julian, tiw general form
of which may be conceived from the annexed .Iketch | | | f f
b e ' remembered, that the bar,;which 1S tb^e markeft at the en-.
trance, is-often fliifting, and has-ijiai^y holesjn.if. Thetrde flows-
here N. and S, anffiat full and change, rifes four fathom.-
We on ouriiuft .arrival.here,.ftpt an Officer on ffipre totfie fait-
pond, marked (D) in the’ plan, in .order to procure .a quantity o f
fait for the ufe of, the Squadron ; Sir John Yarborough having ob-
ferved when lie was. here, that the fait produced :m that place was.
very white and,good.;, .and that, i n ;there, was enough, o f
it to fill a thpufand .ffiigs: but pur; Officer returned with a famE]e,.
which was ye,17. had; w h ite told .us, that, even of this, there was,
but little, to be. g o t : I fu.ppofe the weather had been more .rainy
th n ordinary, and had deftroyed it. T o give, the reader, a better.;
idea of this .port,,andof the adjacent country,, to -which the whole:
ctSh I have deferibed hears a..great refemblance, _ 1 have inferred -
wo very S S I H i S ' £ £
^ p of he c o u n tr y , when looking up the= river• , the other, being-;
a vfew taken from tho Rmn fe o t ; hut thepbferyer ; is now .ffip-
poftd to turn round, Ppppfire to .his- former fituat,on rand g g |
qusatly this is the reprefentation, of the aoppatance o f thetcoun--
ly down the , fiv e r, hptwi^t. the; ftation^of,the, obferyer, and - the-
liv e rs mouth*