firft properly coiled up, and having its end oppofite to the noofe
fattened to the faddle ; and, thus prepared, they ride at a herd of
cattle. When they arrive within a certain diftance of a beaft, they
throw their thong at him with fuch exa&nefs, that they never fail
of fixing the noofe about his horns. The beaft, when he finds
himfelf entangled, generally runs ; but the horfe, being fwifter,
attends him, and prevents the thong from being too much ftrained,
till a fécond hunter, who follows the game, throws another noofe
abont one of his hind legs ; and, this being done, both horfes (for
they are trained to- this praflfce) i-nftantly turn different ways, in
order to ftrain the two thongs in contrary directions ; on which the
beaft, by their oppofite pulls, is prefently overthrown ; and then the
horfes flop, keeping the thongs ftill upon the ftretch : being thus on
the ground, and incapable of refiftance (for he is extended between
the two horfes), the hunters alight, and fecure him in fuch a manner,
that they afterwards eafily convey him to whatever place they
pleafe. They in like manner noofe horfes, and, as it is faid, even
tigers ; and, however ftrange this laft eircumftance may appear*
there are not wanting perfons of credit who- aflert it. Indeed, it
muft be owned, that the addrefe both o f the Spaniards and Indians
in that part of the world, in the ufe o f this lafli or noofe, and the-
certainty with which they throw it, and-fix it on any intended part
of the beaft at a confi'derable diftance,are matters only to be believed
from the repeated and concurrent teftimony of all.who have frequented
that country ; and might reafonably be queftioned, did it
rely on a Tingle report, or had it ever-been contradicted or denied
by any one who had'refided at Buenos Ayres-.
The cattle, which are killed in the manner I have already ob-
ferved, are flaughtered only for their hides and tallow, to which
fometimes are added their tongues ; but the -reft of their flelh is left
to putrify, or to be devoured by the birds and wild beafts. T h e
greateft part of this carrion falls to the {hare, of the wild dogs, of
which there are immenfe numbers to be found in that country.
Thefé are fuppofed to have been originally produced by Spanijh
dogs from Buenos Ayres, who, allured by the. great quantity of cgr-
3 rion,
rion, and the facility they had by that means of fubfifting, left their
matters, and ran wild amongft the cattle-; for they are plainly of
the breed of the European dogs, an animal not originally found in
America. But, though thefe dogs are faid to be fome thoufands in
a company, they hitherto neither diminifh nor prevent the increafe
o f the cattle; not daring to attack the herds, by reafon of the
numbers which conftantly feed together; but contenting them-
felves with the carrion left them by the hunters, and perhaps now
and then with a few ftragglers, who, by accident, are feparated
from the main: body they belong to.
Befides the-wild cattle, which have -fpread themfelves in fuch
vaft herds from Buenos Ayres towards the fouthward, the fame
country is in like manner furnilhed with horfes. Thefe too were
firft brought from Spain, and are alfo prodigioufly increafed, and
run wild to a much greater diftance than the black cattle : and
though many of them are excellent, yet their number makes them
of very little value; the beft of them being often fold, in the neighbouring
fettlements, where money is plenty and commodities very
dear, for not more than a dollar apiece. It is not, as yet, certain
how far to the fouthward thefe herds o f wild cattle and horfes
have extended themfelves 1 but there is fome reafon to conjeaure,
that ftragglers o f both kinds are to be met with very, near the
Streights of Magellan ; and they will in time, doubtlefs, fill all tire
fouthern part of the Continent with their breed, which cannot fail
of proving o f confiderable advantage to fuch {hips as may touch
upon the coaft ; for the horfes themfelves are faid to be very good
eating, and, as fuch, are preferred, by fome of the Indians, even
before the black cattle. But, whatever plenty of flelh provifions
may be hereafter found here, there is one material refielhment
which this eaftern fide o f Patagonia feems to be very defedive in
and that is frefh water ; for, the land being generally of a nitrous
and faline nature, the ponds and ftreams are frequently brackifli.
However, as good water has been found there, though in fmall
quantities, it is not improbable but, on a further fearch, this inconvenience
may be removed.
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