26o L O R D A,JN S O N ' S V O Y A G E
fmuggling, have prohibited the ufe o f all kinds of fmall craft in
that diftrift.
The beach here defcribed is the fureft guide to thofe who are
defirous of finding the .harbour of Cbequetqn-, for five miles to the
well ward of the extremity of this beach there appears a hummock,
which at firfl makes like an ifland, and is in fhape not very
unlike the hill of Petaplan, hereafter mentioned, though much
fmaller. Three - miles to' the -weftward of this hummock, is- a‘
white rock, near the fhore, which cannot eafily be paffed by un.ob-
ferved: It is about two cables length from the land, and lies in
a large bay about nine leagues over. The weft point of this 'bay
is the hill of Petaplan, which is reprefented in the .fame plate-
with the view of the ifland of Quicaro and Quiljo, and is here inferred.
This hill of Petaplan, like.the forementioned hummock, ,
may be at firft miftaken for an ifland, though it be, in reality, a-
peninfitkt, which is jdined to. the Continent by a low and narrow
Ifthmus, covered over with fhrubs and finall trees. The bay
of Seguateneio extends from this hill a great way to the weft-
ward j and it appears by a plan of the bay of Petaplan, which is
part of that o f -Seguateneio,: and is here-annexed, that,at a fmall
diftance: from the hill, and oppofite to the entrance of the bay,
there is an affemblage o f rocks, which are white from the excrements
-of boobies and tropical birds. Four of theft -rocks are high
and large, and together with feveral fmaller. ones,'are, by the help
of a little imagination, pretended to refemble the-form-of a croft,
and are called the White Friars. Theft rocks, as appears by the
plan, beat W. by N. from Petaplan; and about feven miles to the'
weftward of them lies the harbour of Cbequetan, which is. ftill mote
minutely diftinguiflted by a large and Angle rock, that rifts out of
the water a mile and a half diftant from the entrance, and bears
S. f W . from thé middle of it. • The appearance of this -entrance
is very accurately reprefented in the annexed plate; -where- ( ej- is
the Eaft point o f the harbour, and fd ) the Weft, the forementioned
rock being marked ( f j . In the fame viewy*«/is a large
2 fandy
>■ $■ & distant/ .5 miled.