T o the account already given, I hiuft add, that there are, in all
parts o f tbis'couUtry, a'good number o f Vicurmas, or Peruvian fticcp;
hut thefe, by reafon of their fliynefs and fwiftnefs, are killed with
difficulty. On the eaftern coaft: too, there are 'found immenfe
quantities o f feats, and a vaft variety of fea-fowl, amongft which
the mod remarkable are the Penguins: they are in fize and fhape
likea goofe; but, infteac! of wings, they have fliort flumps like fin«,
which are o f no hfeto them, except in the water: theirbills are
narrow, like . that of an Albitrofs; and they ftarid and walk in an
eredt pofture. From this, and their white bellies, Sir John Nar-
bordtigh has whimiically likened them to little children, {tending
up in white apronis.
The inhabitants-of this eaftern coaft (to which I have all along
hitherto confined nay relation)- appear to be but few, and have
rarely been feen more than two or three-at a time by any {hips that
have touched here. We, during our ftay at the port of St. ‘Julian,
faw none. However, towards Buenos Ayres they are fufficiently
numerous, and oftentimes very troublefome to-the Spaniards-, but
there the greater ‘Breadth and variety o f the country, and a milder
climate, yield them a better protection ; for in that place the Continent
Is between three and four hundred -leagues in breadth,
wliAreas at Port 'St. 'Julian it is little -more than hn hundred: fo
that, I conceive, the lame Indiansvlhcs frequent the Weftern coaft
o f PaiBgoma,'and’ the'Btreigfcifs o f Magellan, often ramble to this-
fide. As the' Indians near ‘Buenos Ayres exceed the1 fob them Indians
in number, fo they greatly -furpafs them in adtivity and-fpirit 5:
and Teem in their manners to- be nearly allied to thofe gallant Chilian
Indians, who have long fet the whole Spanljh power- at defiance,
have often ravaged their country, and remain to thishour
independent. For the Indians about Buenos Ayres have learnt to-be:
excellent horfemen, and-arc extremely expert in th e 1 management:
of all 'Cutting "weapons, though ignorant of the ufe-' of fire-arms,
which the Spaniards are'very'&licitous' to keep Out of their hands.
And o f thehlgoxir "atM refutation o f fhefe Mdians,; the behaviour of
' Qr'eUdtsa