[ iv ]
the SubjeQ: itfelf naturally claims the patronage of One,
under whofe direction, the Britijh Navy has refumed
its ancient Spirit and Luftre; and has, in one fummer,
ennobled itfelf by two victories, the moft deciilve, and
(if the ftrength and number of the captures be confi-
dered) the moft important, that are to be met with in
our Annals. Indeed, an uninterrupted feries of fuccefs,
and a manifeft fuperiority gained univerfally over the
enemy, both in commerce and glory, feem to be the
neceffary effeds of a revival of ftrid difcipline, and
of an unbiaffed regard -to merit and fervice. Thefe
are marks that muft diftinguilh the happy period of
time in which Your G race prefided, and afford a
fitter fubjeft for hiftory, than for an addrefs o f this
nature. Very fignal advantages of rank and diftinc-
tion, obtained and fecured to the naval profeflion by
Your G race’s aufpicious influence, will remain a
lafting monument of Your unwearied zeal and attachment
to it, and be for ever remembered with,
the higheft gratitude by all who fhall be employed
in it. As thefe were the generous rewards of paft
exploits, they will be likewife the nobleft incentives*
and fureft pledges of the future. That Your G race’s,
eminent talents* magnanimity, and. d'ifinterefted zeal*
3, whence
[ V ]
whence the Public has already reaped fuch fignal
benefits, may in all times prove equally fuccefsful in
advancing the profperity of Great-Britain, is the
ardent wifti of,
Your Grace’s-
Mofl obedient*
Moji devoted
Moß humble Servant,,