alarmed with 'the apprehenfion of its confequences. It is fa'id,
that his Majefty King Charles the Second was fo far prepofieffed
with the belief o f the emoluments which might redound to the
;.publicfrom this expedition, and was fo eager to be informed o f
the event o f it, that, having intelligence of Sir John Narborough’s
palling through the Downs on his return, he had not patience
to attend his arrival at Court, but went himfelf in his barge to
s-Gravefetid to meet him.
T o facilitate as much as poffible any attempts of this kind, which
•may be hereafter undertaken, I have, in the annexed plate, given
.a ehart o f that part of the world, as far as it is hitherto known,
which I flatter myfelf is, in fome refpedts, much corrector than any
which has been yet published : to evince which, it may he necel-
•fary to mention what materials I have principally made ufe of, and
what changes I have introduced different from other authors.
The two moft celebrated charts, hitherto publ-ithed, ®f the
i&uthermoft part o f South-America are thole of Dr. Halley, in his
general chart o f o f the magnetic variation, and o f Frescier, in his
■ voyage to the South-Seas. But, betides theie, there is a chart of
the Streights of Magellan, and o f fome part of the .adjacent coaflr,
by Sir John Narborough, above mentioned, which is doubtlefs infinitely
exafter in that part than F reziers,' and1in ,fome refpetfsfu-
perior to Halley’ s, particularly in what relates to the longitudes of
the different parts o f thofe Streights. The -eoaft from -Cape Blanco
to 'Terra del Fuego, and thence to Streights L e Maire, we were in
fome meafure capable of correcting by our own obfervations, as
we ranged that ihore generally in fight of land. The politioirof
the land to the northward of the Streights o f Magellan, on the Weft
-fide, is doubtlefs laid down in our chart but'very imperfectly;'
and yet I believe it to 'be -much nearer the truth than what has
.hitherto been done ; is drawn from the information o f feme
o f the Wagers crew, who were dhipwrecied on that fhore, and
afterwards coafted it down ; and as it agrees pretty nearly with the
.•defcription o f fome Sjanijh manufcripts I have feen. The Cban-
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