abounded. As this place may prove o f the greateft importance
to future Navigators, who may be forced upon this ccaft by the
wefterly winds, which are aimoft perpetual in that part of the
world, I fhall, before I enter iiito any farther particulars of the
adventures o f the Pink, give1 fhe heft account 1 could collect of
this Port, its fituation, conveniences! and produirions.
T o facilitate the knowledge o f this place, to thofe who may
hereafter be defirous of making ufe o f it, there is annexed apian
both of the harbour itfelf, and o f the large bay before it, through
which the Pink drove. This plan is not perhaps, in all refpecfs, io
accurate as might be wifhed, it being compol'ed from the memorandums
and rude Iketches o f the Mailer and Surgeon, who were
not, 1 prefume, the ableft draughtfmen. But, as the principal
parts were laid down by their eftimated diftances from each other,
in which kind of eftimations it is well known the greateft part of
failors are very dextrous, I fuppofe the errors are not very confi-
derable. Its latitude, which is, indeed, a material point, is not
well afcertained, the Pink having no obfervation either the day before
Ihe came here, or within a day of her leaving it: but it isfup-
pofed that it is not very diftant from 45° : 30' South,; and the large
extent o f the bay, before the harbour, renders this uncertainty of
lefs moment. The Illand of Inchin, lying before the bay, is thought
to be one o f the Iflands of Chonos, which are mentioned in the
Spanijh accounts, as fpreading all along that coaft j and are laid by
them to be inhabited by a barbarous people, famous for their hatred
of the Spaniards, and for their cruelties to fuch of that Nation
as have fallen into their hands : and it is poffible too, that the land
on which the harbour itfelf lies may be another of thofe Iflands,
and that the Continent may be conliderably farther to the eaft-
ward. The depths of water in the different parts o f the Port, and
the channels by which it communicates with the bay, are fuffi-
ciently marked intheplan. But it mull be remembered, that there
are two coves in it, where Ihips may conveniently heave down, the
water being conftautly fmooth : and there are lèverai fine runs of