A P l a n of the
Harbour of Acapulco
on t/e Cba/t o f Mexico in f South. Sea,
in cA&Xalilitd& ofjd.°/f.^ 'IXand We/t
Lm y itiid e from / X on dorv j o fif-W /
A .T h & H a r lo itr.
B .TheTowrv. - 'G u n *
C T h e C a fe o fS i D iego, h a vbu j....... too.
D ..t\.77em B a fum s /vim. ............. . . 5 ea
E .A B attery mith~ - - - - v - - - - -......... /• ’
P. T h e Watering P la c e .
G. Punto d e l d r ift, where- they are
building aiNiwFort w/nc/t to to mount30.
H. TheRoadto theCili/ o f JW&vico.
l.T h e G overnors Plantations.
X. TheJfta7idwithout t/ieHarbour.
Jyl.Po/ -tA iarcju is.
N. APlantntio/v,
Q-TwoTrces, whichyAfajitlaS/iy?
ahvays h a s a. Cable to ■
A. Plan of the
Bay of Ma n il a
M a r i o n i a s v