4*4 L O R D A N S O N ’ S V O Y A G E
value themfelves, and which diftinguifhes the Nation from all
others, is in reality the fource of the moft exceptionable part of
their character j for it has been often obferved by thofe who have
attended to the nature of mankind, that it is difficult to curb the
more robuft and violent paffions, without augmenting, at the fame
time the force of the felfiffi ones: So that the timidity, diffimula-
tion, and diffionefty of the Chinefe, may in fome fort be owing
to the compofure and external decency, fo univerfally prevailing in
that Empire.
Thus much for the general difpofition o f the people: But I
cannot difmifs this fubjedt, without adding a few words about the
Chinefe Government, that too having been the fubjedt of boundlefs
panegyric. And on this head I muft obferve, that the favourable
accounts often given of their prudent regulations for the adminiftra-
tion of their domeftic affairs, are fufficiently confuted by their tranf-
adtions with Mr. Anfon: As we have feen that their Magiftrates
are corrupt, their people thieviffi, and their tribunals venal, and
abounding with artifice. Nor is the conftitution o f the Empire,
or the general orders of the State, lefs liable to exception : Since
that form of Government, which does not in the firft place provide
for the fecurity of the public againft the enterprizes o f foreign
powers, is certainly a moll defedtive inftitution : And yet this populous,
this rich and extenlive country, fo pompoufly celebrated for its
refined wifdom and policy, was conquered about an age fince by a
handful of ‘Tartars ; and even now, through the cowardice of the
inhabitants, and the want of proper military regulations, itcontinues
expofed not only to the attempts o f any potent State, but to the
ravages of every petty invader. I have already obierved, on occa-
fion of the Commodore’s difputes with the Chinefe, that the Centurion
alone was an .over-match for all the naval power of that Empire
: T his perhaps may appear an extraordinary pofition ; but to
render it unqueftionable, there is exhibited in the annexed plate
the draught of two of the veffels made ufe pf by the Chinefe. The
firft of thefe marked (A), is a junk of about a hundred and twenty