with a defcription of the Ifland of Luconia, and of the pof t and
bay of Manila.
The Ifland o f Luconia, though fituated in the latitude of 159
North, is efteemed to be in general extremely healthy, and the
water that is found upon it, is faid to be the beft in the world : It
produces all the fruits of the warm climates, and abounds in a
moll excellent breed of horfes, fuppofed to be carried thither firft
from Spain : It is very well feated for the Indian and Chinefe trade ;
and the bay and port of Manila, which lies on its weftern fide, is
perhaps the moll remarkable on the whole globe, the bay being a
large circular bafon, near ten leagues in diameter, great part of it
entirely land-locked. On the eafl fide of this bay Hands the city
of Manila, which is large and populous, and which, at the beginning
of this war, was only an open place, its principal defence'
confifting in a fmall fort, which was almoft furrounded on. every
fide by houfes 5 but they have lately made confiderable additions
to its fortifications, though I have not yet learnt after what manner.
The port, peculiar to this city, is called Cabite, and lies near two
leagues to the fouthward ; and in this port all the fliips employed
for the Acapulco trade are ufually ftationed. As I have never feen
but one engrayed plan of this bay, and that in an uncommon collection,
I have hereafter added, towards the beginning of the
third book, a plan which fell into my hands, and which differs
confiderably from that already publifhed: But I cannot pretend
to decide which of the two is moft to be relied on.
The city o f Manila itfelf is in a healthy fituation, is well watered,
and is in the neighbourhood o f a very fruitful and plentiful
country; but as the principal bufinefs of; this place is. its trade to
Acapulco, it lies under fome difadvantage, from the difficulty there
is in getting to fea to the eaftward : For the paflage is among iflands
and through channels where the Spaniards, by reafon o f their un-
Ikilfulnefs in marine affairs, wafte much time, and are often in great
danger. Thefe inconveniences will be better apprehended by the
2 reader