which were dragged along the ground, by perfons concealed beneath—
them. They immediately concluded that theft were fome
o f the Serjeant’s party (which was indeed true;) and therefore
the Commodore and his people made after them, in hopes o f
tracing out their retreat. The Indians remarking that they were
difcovered, hurried away with precipitation; but Mr. Anfon was
fo near them, that he did not Jofe light of them till they arrived at
their cell, which he and his officers entering, found to be abandoned,
there being a paflage from it which had been contrived foy
the conveniency o f flight, and which led down a precipice. They
here met with an old firelock or two, but no other arms. Howeyer
there was a great quantity of provilions, particularly faked fparibs
o f pork, which were excellent j and, from what our people law,
they concluded, that the extraordinary appetite, which they had
acquired at this Maud, was not confined to fhemfelves alone ; for,
it being about noon, the Indians laid out a very plentiful r.epsft,
confideriag their numbers, and had their bread-fruit and coco-nuts
prepared ready for eating, in a manner too which plainly evinced,
that, with them a good meal was neither an uncommon nor an
unheeded article. The Commodore having in vain fearched after
the path by which the Indians had efcaped, he and his officers
contented themfclves with fitting down to the dinner, which was
thus luckily fitted to their prefent hunger; after which, they returned
back to their old habitation, difpleafed at miffing the Indians,
as they hoped to have engaged them hi our .ferv.ice, i f they
could have had any conference with them. I mu ft add, that not-
vvithflaading what our prifoner-s had aflerted, we were afterwards
allured, that theft Indians were carried off to Guam long before we
left the place. But to return to our hiftory.
On our coming to an anchor again, after our feeond driving off
to fea, we laboured indefatigably at getting ip our water ; and having,
by the 20th of VSlober, .compleated it to fifty tun, which we
fuppofed would be fufficient during our paflage to Macao, we qo the
next day, fent one of each mefs on fhore, to gather as large a quantity
of oranges, lemons, coco-nuts, and other fruits of the Illand, as