When the galeon arrives in this port, flie is generally moored oa
its weftern fide to the two trees marked in the plan, and her car-
goe is delivered with all poffible expedition. And now the town
o r Acapulco, from almoft a folitude, is immediately thronged with
Merchants from all parts of ;the kingdom o f Mexico. The cargoe
being landed and difpofed of, the filver and the goods intended for
Manila are taken on board, together with provifions and water, and
the (hip prepares to put to fea with the utmoft expedition. There
is indeed no time to be loft; for it is an exprefs order to the Captain,
to he out of the port of Acapulco, on his return, before the
firft day of April, IN. S.
Having mentioned the goods intended for Manila, I muft ob-
ferve, that the principal return is always made in filver, and con-
iequently the reft o f the cargoe is but of little account, the other
articles, befides the filver, being fome cochineal and a few fweet-
meats, the produce of the American fettlemenfs, together with
European millinery ware for the women at Manila, and fome Spanish
wine, fuch as tent and fherry, which are intended for the ufe
o f their Priefts in the adminiftration o f the Sacrament.
And this difference in the cargoe of the (hip to and from Manila,
occafions a very remarkable variety in the manner o f equipping
her for thefe two different voyages. For the galeon, when (he fets
fail from Manila, being deep laden with a variety of bulky goods,
(he has not the conveniency of mounting her lower tire o f guns,
but carries them in her hold, till (he draws near Cape St. Lucas,
and is apprehenfive of an enemy. Her hands too are as few as is
confident with the fafety of the (hip, that (he may be lefs peftered
by the ftowage o f provifions. But on her return from Acapulco,
as her cargo lies in lefs room, her lower tire is (or ought to be)
always mounted before (he leaves the port, and her crew is augmented
with a fupply- of failors, and with one or two companies
.of foot, which are intended to reinforce the garrifon at Manila.
Befides there being many Merchants who take their padage to Manila
nila on board the galeon, her whole number of hands on her return
is ufually little fhort of fix hundred, all which are eafily provided
for, by reafon o f the fmall ftowage neeeflary for the filver.
The galeon being thus fitted in order to her return, the Captain,
on leaving the port of -Acapulco,, (leers for the latitude of 13® or.
1 4°, and then continues on that parallel till he gets fight of the
ifland of Guam, one o f the Ladronu. In this run the Captain is
particularly direfted to be careful of the (hoals of St. Bartholomew,
and o f the Ifland of Gafparico> He is alfo told in his iuftradlions,
that to prevent his pafling the Ladrones in the dark, there are o r ders
given, that, through all the month o f June, fires >(hall be
lighted every night on the higheft part of Guam and Rota, and.
kept in till the morning.
At Guam there is a fmall Spanijh garrifon, (as will be more par-,
ticularly mentioned, hereafter) purpofely intended to fecure that,
place for the refrelhment of the galeon, and to yield her all the
afliftanpe in "their power.. However, the danger of the road at.
Guam is- lb great,, that though the galeon is ordered to call there,,
yet (he rarely flays above a day or two; butgetting her water and1.
refre(hmen.ts on board as foon as poflible, (he fleers away dire.dtly
for Cape E/piritu Santo,, on the Ifland of Samal. Here the Captain
is again ordered to look out for lignals; and'he is told, that :
eentinels will be polled not only on that Cape, but likewife in,
Gatanduanas, Butufan, Birriborongo, and on the Ifland of B aton..
Thefe centinels- are inftrufted to make a fire when they difcover;
the (hip, which the captain is carefully to obferve : For, if, after;
this firft fire is extinguiftied, he perceives that four or more, are
lighted up again,, he is then to. conclude that.there are.enemies on
the coaft; and on this he is immediately to endeavour, to. fpeak.
with the centinel on fliore,.. and.to procure from him more parti-
ticular intelligence of their force, and of the ftation they cruize in ;
purfuant to which, he is to regulate his-condu<ft, and to endeavour
to gain fome. fecure port.amongftthofe Illands, without coming in
fight i