fince it would have been impraftf cable for the other (hips to have
given them any relief during the continuance of tho(e impetuous
Whilft we flayed at this place, the Commodore appointed the
Honourable Captain Murray to fucceed to the Pearl, and Captain
Cheap to the Wager ; and he promoted Mr. Charles Saunders, his
fe ll Lieutenant, to the command of the Tryal Sloop. But Captain
Saunders lying dangeroufly ill of a fever on board the Centurion,
and it being the opinion of the Surgeons, that the removing him
on board his own (hip, in his prefent condition, might tend to
the hazard of his life, Mr. Anfon gave an order to Mr. Saumarez,
firft Lieutenant of the Centurion, to aft as Mailer and Commander
o f the Tryal, during the illnefs of Captain Saunders.
Here the Commodore too, in order to eafe the expedition o f
all unnecefl'ary expence, held a farther eonfultation with his Captains
about unloading and difcharging the Anna P M ; but they
reprefented to him, that they were fo far from being in a condition
of taking any part of her loading on board, that they had (till great
quantities of provifions in the way of their guns between decks j
and that their (hips were withal fo very deep, that they were not fit
for adtion, without being cleared. This put the Commodore under
a neceffity of retaining the Pink in the fervice ; and as it was
apprehended we (hould certainly meet with the Spanlfi fquadron
in parting the Cape, Wlx.Anfan thought it.advifeable to give orders
to the Captains to put all their provifions, which were in the way
of their guns, on board the Anna PM -, and to remount fuch o f
their guns as had formerly, for the eafe of their (hips, been ordered
into the hold.
This bay of St. Julian, where we are now at anchor, being a
convenient rendezvous, in cafe of reparation, for all cruizers bound
to the (outhward, and the whole coaft of Patagonia, from the river
of Plate to the Streights of Magellan, lying nearly parallel to their
ufual route ■, a (hort account of the Angularity of this country, with,
a particular defcription of Port St. Julian, may perhaps be neither
unacceptable to the curious, nor unworthy the attention.of future