ceotine the galeon, and for the avoiding a difcovery from the
foore was fo very judicious, that it well merits to be diftinaiy de-
fcribed The order of it was thus: The Centurion brought the
paps over the harbour to bear N. N. E, at fifteen leagues diftance,
which was a fufficient offing to prevent our being feen by the enemy
T o the weft ward of the Centurion there was ftationed the Car-
melo, and to the eaftward the Trial’s Prize, the Gloucejler and
the Carmin • Thefe were all ranged in a circular line, and each (hip
was three leagues diftant from the nextj fo that the Carmelo and
the Carmin which were the two extremes, were twelve leagues
removed from each other: And as the galeon could, without doubt
be difcerned at fix leagues diftance from either extrem.ty; the
whole fweep of our fquadron, within which nothing could pafs
undifcovered, was at leaft twenty-four leagues in extent j and yet
we were fo connefted by our fignals, as to be eafily and fpeedily
informed o f what was feen in any part o f the line. To render this
difnofition ftill more compleat, and to prevent even the poffibihty
o f the ealeon’s efcaping us in the night, the two Cutters belonging
to the Centurion and the Gkucejifr were both manned and lent
in fhore, and commanded to lie all day at the diftance o f four or
five leagues from the entrance o f the port, where by reafon of
their fmalnefs, they could not poffibly be difcovered j but in the
•„ht they were diredted to ftand nearer to the harbour s mouth,
and as the light of the morning approached to come back again to
their day-pofts. When the Cutters fhould firft difcern the Manila
thin one of them was to return to the fquadron, and to make a
fiend whether the galeon flood to the eaftward or to the weftward;
whilft the other was to follow the galeon at a diftance, and i f it
ew dark, to direft the fquadron in their chace, by ihewing falfe
fires The particular fituation of each fhip and of the Cutters, and
the bearings from each other, which they were to obferve in oyder
to keep their ftations, will be better underftood by the delineation
exhibited in the annexed plate; a draught of which was delivered,
to each of the Commanders at the fame time with their orders.
vr SB s Hpii/IPC