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i p,;m to a Rate of fobriety, and gave him fufEcient prefence of mind
to pu(h through the thickeft of the fmoke, as the likeliefi means
to efcape the enemy; and, making the beft of his way to the beach,
he ran as far into the water as he durft (for'he could not fwim)
1 before he ventured to look back.
I cannot but obferve here, to the honour of our people,; that,
though there were great quantities of wine and fpirituous liquors
' found in the pla’ce, yet this man was the only one who was known
to have fo far neglefted his duty as to get drunk. Indeed; their
whole behaviour, while they were on fhore, Was much more regular
than could well have been expefted from bailors, who had been
fo long confined to a fhip: and .though part of this prudent demeanour
mufl doubtlefs be imputed to the diligence of their Officers,
and to the excellent difcipline to which they had been con-
ftantly inured on board the Commodore, yet it was doubtlefs no
fmall reputation to the men, that they ftouid generally refrain from
indulging themfelves in thofe intoxicating liquors, which they
found ready to their hands at almoft every warehoufe.
Having mentioned this fingle infiance of drunkennefs, I cannot
pafs by another overfight, which was likewife the only one of its
kind, and which was attended with very particular cireumfiances.
There was an Englijhman, who had formerly wrought as a ft ip-
carpenter in the yard at Portfmouth; but,-leaving his country, had
afterwards entered into the Spanijh fervice, and was employed by
them at the port of Guaiaquil; and, it being well kno wn to his friends
in England that he was then in that part of the world« they put let--,
ters'on board the Centurion dhefted to him. This man being then by
accident among!! the Spaniards, who were retired to the hill at Paita,
he was ambitious (as it (hould feem) of acquiring fome reputation
among!! his new mafiers. With thisyiew he(came down, unarmed,
toa centinel of ours,, placed at fome di Ranee from the fort, towards
the enemy, to whom he pretended that he was defirous of furrendering
himfel'f, and of entering into our fervice. Our centinel had
a pocked piftol in his'hand; but, being deceived by the other’ s