‘WootC tJctilJi •
and perplexities than we had reafon to expea, or than other Bntijh
lhig hereafter bound to the Sontb-Seas, may perhaps think it
prudent to ftruggle with.
This I (land is efteemed by the natives to be no where above twp
leagues in breadth, though about nine in length : it lies in 49°: 45'
o f Weft longitude from London, and extends from the South latitude
of 271 35', to that of g | B Although it be pf a confiderable
height yet it is fcarce difcernible at the diftance, of ten leagues,
being then obfcured under the continent of Brazil, whofe mountains
are exceeding high ; but on a nearer approach it is eafy to be dif-
tinguiihed, and may be readily known by a number of ftpall Mauds
lying at each end, and fcattered along K Eaft fide of it In the
annexed plate there' 1 exhibited a v.ery pxaft view .of the N. E.
end of the Ifland, where {a) is its N. E. point, as it appears when
it bears N. W. And (b) is the finall Mand of B B bearing
N N W , at the diftance of feven leagues. The befh .entrance to
the harbour H between the poifit(«) and the Mand of Jhioredo,
where'Ihips may pafs under the guidance of. their lead, without the
leaft apprehenfions of danger. The view of this North entrance
o f the harbour is reprefented in the fecond plate, where ( 4 is the-
N W end of St. Catherine's M wd, ',$) .Pfirrgt Iflattd, if ) a battery
on" St Catherine's, and .(d) a WftS.ry ,Qn a fmall Mand near the continent
Frezier has given a draught of this Mand of St. Catherine s,
and of the neighbouring coaft, and the ..minuter Ifles adjacent; but
he has by miftake called .the Illand of Ahprtdo the Me de Gal-,
whereas the true Me de Cal lijssfeven.or eight miles.to the North-
weftward of it, and.is .much fmaller. He has.alfo called an Mand,
to the fauthward of St, Catherine’s, Alyprcdp,^ and has .omitted the
l^aAMafaqura: in ;other reipefts, his planus fufficieutly .exact. ,
The North entrance of the harbour is in breadth about five miles,
and the diftance from thence .to the Mand of:St. Antonio is eight
miles and the com* from theentrance tqSt. Mtpmods S. S.W. J W .
„About the middle of the IllaucUhc harbour is contracted by two
t-VSW channel* -o lonrl to a nan: no-more than a ;quarter of a