-ja 4 , 0 R B A N S O N 'S -V O Y A G E
Chip's : for, had we been folely inféiit upon getting:round Cape
Horn in the ffiortéft time, the gropereff-method for this purpofe
would haVé Been-, to have ordered each fliip’ to have made the heft
(Of her way to the rendezvous, Without waiting for the reft.
From dtfr departure froth -St. Jtïiihn té the 4th o f March-, we
had littlfe Wind, with thick liazy Weather, and fome fain ; and our
-fcuii'dihgs Werfe generally from forty to iiftv fathom, with a Bottom
o f black and grey fand, fonrletimes intermixed with pebble-ftones.
On the 2fthof March we were in fight of Capt Virgin Mary , and
not more than fii o r féveh leagues diftant from it : this Cape is
the northern boundary of tiie entrance o f the Streights o f Magellan,
it lies in-tile latitude o f fa" : 21' South,- and longitude from
London 71” : 44' Weft ; and feeihs to be a low flat land, ending
in a point. And for a direffion to Fueh flops as may; by particular
fedfotis, he induct'd hereafter to pafs through thofé Str'dights-itito
the South Seas, I have annexed -a very accurate draught o f ’its appearance,
where (a) repréfents the Gape itfelf. Off this Cage our
depth of water was from thirty-five to forty-eight'fathom. The
afternoon of this day was veiy bright-arid clea'r, with fteail brebzes
o f wind, inclinable to a calm; and ftldftof the Captains Took the
opportunity of this favourable weather to paya vifil to the Commodore:
hut, while they were in company together, th ey were all
greatly alarmed by a fudden flame, which burft Out on board.the
Gloucejfen, and which wàs fucéêeded by a Cloud of fmoak: However,
they were foon relieved from their appréhendons, by receiving
information, that the Bkft was o'ccafibhed b y a Tpafk o f fire from
the forge lighting bn fome gunpowder, and other coinbuftibles,
which an officer on board was preparing for ufé, in cafe wc ffiould
fait-in with the Spàtit/h fleet ; and that it "had beetr extihgiiilhed,
without any damdge to the Ihip.
W e ‘here found, what Was c'dnftafitly verified by all our obfer-
vatibhs inthefe high ïâtîtüdfcs, 'that fair ■ Weather was always o f ah
exceeding ffiort duration -, and that, when it was remarkably fine,
it was â certain preifage o f a füccëëdîng 'florin ; 'for the calm and