C H A P . IV.
Conclufion of our proceedings at Juan Fernandes,
from the arrival of the Anna Pink, to our final departure
from thence.
AB O U T a week after the arrival o f our Victualer, the
Tryal Sloop, that had been fent to the Ifland of Mafa-
Fuero, returned to an anchor at Juan Fernandes, having
been round that Ifland without meeting any part of our fqua-
dron. As, upon this occafion, the Ifland of Mafa-Fuero was more
particularly examined than, I dare fay, it had ever been before, or
perhaps ever will be again; and as the knowledge o f it may, in
certain circumftances, be o f great confequence hereafter; I think it
incumbent on me to infert the accounts given o f this place by the
officers o f the Tryal Sloop.
The Spaniards have generally mentioned two Iflands, under the
name o f Juan Fernandes, ftyling them the greater and the lefs;
the greater being that Ifland where we anchored, and the lefs being
the Wand we are now defcribing, which, becaufe it is more diftant
from the Continent, they have diftinguifhed by the name of Mafa-
Fuero. The Tryal Sloop found that it bore from the greater Juan'
Fernandes W . by S, and was about twenty-two leagues diftant.
It is a much larger and better fpot than has been generally reported;
for former writers have reprefented it as a ftnall barren;
rock, deftitute of wood and water, and altogether inacceffible;
whereas our people found it was covered with trees, and that there
were feveral fine falls of water pouring down its fides into the fea:
they found too, that there was a place where a fhip might come
ta an anchor on the North fide o f it, though, indeed, the anchorage
is inconvenient; for the bank extends but a little way, is fteep too,
and has very deep water upon it, fo that you muft come to an
3 . anchor