r o u n d t h e w o r l d . 277
and to receive his anfwer; Mr. Brett took that opportunity of delineating.
a view of the entrance of the port, and of the neighbouring
coaft, which added to the plan of that place formerly mentioned
may be of confiderable ufehereafter, and istherefore annexed. In
this plate fa ) is the weft point of the harbour called the Griffo;
being in the latitude of 160 : 45 5 (b e) is the Hland near it bearing
from the obferver N. by E, three leagues diftant: (d ) is the eaft
point of the harbour ; (e) port Marquis; ( f ) Sierra de Brea; fb )
a white rock in the harbour, and ( g ) watch-towers.
Having thus recovered our Cutter, the foie objedt of our coming
a fecond time before Acapulco 1 the Commodore determined not
to lofe a moment’s time more ; but to run off the coaft with the
utmoft expedition, both as the ftormy feafon on the coaft of Mexico
was now approaching apace, and as we were apprehenfive of
having the weflerly monfoon to ftruggle with when we came upon
the coaft of China: For this reafon we no longer flood towards
Acapulco, asiat prefent we wanted no anfwer from the Governor.
However Mr. -4«/o/z.refolved not to deprive .his prifoners of the liberty
which he had promifed them; and therefore they were all immediately
embarked in two launches which belonged to our prizes,
thofe from the Centurion in one launch, and thofe from the Gloucef-
ter in the other. The launches were well equipped with mafts, fails
and oarsij and left the wind might prove unfavourable, they had a
flock of water and provifions put on board them fufficient for fourteen
days. There were difcharged thirty-nine perfons from on board
the Centurion, and eighteen from the Gloucefier, the greateft part
of them Spaniards, the. reft being Indians and ftck Negroes: Indeed
as our crews were very weak, we kept the Mulattoes and fome
of the (louteft of the Negroes, with a few Indians, to affift us j but
we difmiffed every Spanijh prifoner whatever. We have ftnce learnt,
that thefe two launches arrived fafe at Acapulco, where the prifoners
could not enough extol the humanity with which they had been
treated. It feems the Governor before their arrival, had returned
a very, obliging anfwer to our letter, and had at the fame time ordered