made a fignal for the Severn to rejoin the fquadron, leaving the
Gloucejler alone in the purfuit. And now we were furprifed to
fee that, on the'Gloucepr's approach, the people on board the Pearl
increafed their fail, and flood from her. However, the Gloucejler
came up with them; but found them with their hammocks in
their nettings, and every thing ready for an engagement. At two
in the afternoon the Pearl joined us, and, running up under our
ftern, Lieutenant Salt haled the Commodore, and acquainted him
that Captain Kidd died on the 31ft of January. He likewife informed
us, that he had feen five large drips the 10th inftant, which
he for fome time imagined to be our fquadron: fo that he differed
the commanding (hip, which wore a red broad pendant, ex-
afllv refembling that of the Comrrfodore, at the main-top-maft-
head to come within gun-lhot of him, before he difcovered his
miftake ; but then, finding it not to be the Centurion, he haled1
dofe upon the wind, and crowded from them with all his fail
and (landing crofs a ripling, where they hefitated to follow him,
he happily efcaped. He made them to be five Sfanijh men of war,
one of them exceedingly like the Gloucejler, which was the occa-
fion.of. his apprehenfions when the Gloucejler chafed him. By their
appearance, he thought they confided of two (hips o f feventy guns,
two of fifty, and one. of forty guns. It feems the whole fquadron
continued in cliace o f him all that- day ; but at night, finding
they could not get near him, they gave over the chace, and
directed their courfe to the fouthward.
Had it.not been for the neceflity we were under of refitting the
Tryal, this piece of intelligence would have prevented our making
any flay at St. Julians; but, as it was impoflible. for that (loop to
proceed round the Cape in her prefent condition,-fome flay there
was inevitable; and therefore the fame evening-we came to an
anchor again in twenty-five fathom water, the bottom a mixture
of mud and fand, and the high.hummock- bearing S. W. by W.
4 nd, weighing at nine in the morning,, we fen.t the two Cutters'
belonging to the Centurion and Severn in (hore, to difcover the
2 harbour..