j6 L O R D A N S O N ’'-S V O Y A G E
deep, that they could not, without great difficulty, take intheit federal
proportions of brandy from 'thtliuta/liy' Pihk; tine of the Vic-
tualers, only: confequently he waskrbligéd to continue the other of
them, the Anna Pink, in the fervice of attendingthe fquadron. This
being refolved on, the Commodore thenext day made a fignal for the
fhips to bring-to, and to take on board their (hares of the brandy
from the Induftry Pin k; and in thrsthe long-boats of the fquadron
were employed the three following days, that is, till the icjth'in the
evening, when the Pink being unloaded, (he parted 'company with
us, being bound for Barbadaesrthere to take in a freight for England.
Moft of the Officers of thé fquadroiitook theopportnnity.of writing
to their friends at home;by this (hips but (he was afterwards, as
I have been (luce informed, unhappily taken by the Spaniards.
On the 20th of November, the Captains of the fquadron .repre-
feu ted to the Commodore, that their (hips companies Were very
fickly ; and that it was their own opinion, as well as their furgeons,
that it would tend to the prefervation of the men to let in more air
between decks ; but that their (hips were fo deep, they could' not
poffibly open their lower ports. On this reprefentation, the Commodore
ordered fix air-fcuttles to be cut in each (hip, in fuch plates
where they would lead weaken it.
And, onthisoceafion, 1 cannot but obferve, how much it is the
duty of all thofe, who, either by office or authority, have any influence
in the diredtion -of our naval affairs, to attend to this important
article, the prefervation of the lives and health o f our feamen.
I f it could be fuppofed, that the motives o f humanity were infuffi-
cient for this purpofe, yet policy, and a regard to the fuecefs'of our
arms, and the intereft and honour of each particular Commander,
fhould naturally lead us to a careful and impartial examination of
every probable method propofed for maintaining a (hip’s crew in
health and vigour. But hath this been always done? Have the late
invented plain and obvious methods of keeping our (hips fweet and
clean, by a conftant fupply of frefh air, been confidered with, that
candour and temper, which the great benefits promifed hereby
ought naturally to have infpired? On the contrary, have not thefe
falutary fchemes been often,treated with negledt and contempt ?.
And have not (ome of thofe, who have been entrufted with experimenting
the.iri effefjis, been guilty of the mod indefenfible partiality,
in the accounts they hav,e given of thefe trials ? Indeed, it
muft b.el copfefied, that many, diftinguiffied perfons, both in the.
dire&ion and command o f ;our fleets; have exerted themfelves on
thefe occafions with a judicious and difpaflio.nate examination, becoming
the interefting-nature of the enquiry; but the wonder is,
that any could be found irrational enough to afit a contrary part, in
defpight o f the ftrongeft di&ates of prudence and humanity. I
mult, however, own, that Id o not believe this conduct, to have
arifen from motives fo favage, as the firft refleftion thereon does,
naturally fugged: hut I rather impute it to an obftinate, and, in
fome degree, fuperditious attachment to fuch pradtices as-have
heen long eftabliffied, and to a fettled contempt and hatred of all
kinds of innovations, efpecially fuch as are proj.e£ted by landmen,
and perfons redding on (bore. But let us return from this, I hope
not impertinent, digreffion.
We eroded the equinoctial with a fine frefh gale at S. E, on
Friday the 28th of November, at four in the morning, being then
in the longitude of 27°: 59' W . from London. And on the 2d of
December, in the morning, we faw a fail in the N. W. quarter, and.
made the Gloucejiers and Tryal's fignals to chafe ; and half an hour
after, we let out our reefs and chafed with the fquadron ; and about
noon a fignal was made for the Wager to take our remaining Vic-
tualer, the Anna Pink, in tow. But at feven in the evening, finding
we did not near the chace, and that the Wager was very far
a-ftern, we (hortened fail, and made a fignal for the.cruizers to.
join the fquadron. The next day but one we again difeovered a fail,
which, on a nearer approach, we judged to be the fame veffeL We
chafed her the whole day, and though we rather gained upon her,
yet night came on before we could overtake her, which obliged us.
to give over the chace, to colleft our fcattered fquadron- We were