Prizes taken, fry tfre Centurion.
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M-A KSro&frrtt' eJ-k^yy^o^'-a, cfresfr, C & n rrL& n e,.
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ytafr .
R O U N D T H E WOR L D . 201
fair'fpeeches, he was fo imprudent as to let him approach much
nearer than he ought; fo that the Ship-wright, watching his opportunity,
ruihed on the centinel, and feizing his piftol, wrenched it
out of his hand, and inftantly ran away with it up the hill. By this
time, two of our people, who feeing the fellow advance had fuf-
pefted his intention, were making towards him, and were thereby
prepared to purflie him j but he got to the top of the hill before
they could reach him, and, then turning about fired the piftol;
whereupon his purfuers immediately returned the fire, and tho he
was’at a great diftance, and the creft of the hill hid him as fo on as
they had fired, fo that they took it for granted they had miffed
him, yet we afterwards learnt, that he was Ihot through the body,
and 'had fallen down dead the very next ftep he took after he was
out of fight. The Centinel too, who had been thus'grofsly im-
pofed upon, did not efcape unpunilhed s fince he was ordered to be
feverely whipt for being thus fhamefully furprized upon his poft,
and having thereby given an example of careleffnefs, which, if
followed in other inftances, might prove fatal to us all. But to
return : _
By the time our people had helped their comrade out of the water,
and were making the beft of-their way to the fquadron, the
flames had taken poffeffion of every part of the town, and had got
fuch hold, both by means of the combuftibles that had been diftri-
buted for that purpofe, and'by the flightnefs of the materials of
which the houfes were compofed, and their aptitude to take fire,
that it was fufficiently apparent, no efforts of the enemy (though
they flocked down in great numbers) could poffibly put a flop to
it, or prevent the entire'deftrudtion of the place, and all the merchandize
contained therein. A whole town on fire at once, efpe-
cially where the buildings burnt with fuch facility and violence, being
a very Angular fpeftacle, Mr. Brett had the curiofity to delineate
its appearance, together with that of the Ihips in the harbour,
as may be feen in the annexed plate.
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