The withdrawing of this guard was a circumftance that gave us
much pleafure, fince it feemed to demonftrate, not only that the
enemy had not as yet difcovered us, butlikewife that they had now-
no farther apprehenfions o f our vifiting their coaft. Indeed the
prifoners affured us, that they knowledge o f our being in
thofe feas, and that they had therefore flattered themfelves, that, in
the long interval from our taking of Paita, we had fleered another
courfe. But we did not confider the opinion of thefe Negro ■
prifoners as fo authentiek a. proof, of our being hitherto concealed,
as the withdrawing of the guard from the harbour’s mouth ; for
this being the adfion of' the Governor, was o f all arguments the.
moft convincing, as he- might be fuppofed to have intelligence,,
with which the reft o f the inhabitants were unacquainted.
Satisfied therefore that we were undifeovered, and that the day
was fixed for the departure of the galeon from Acapulco 5 we made
all neceflary preparations, and waited with the utmoft impatience
for the important moment. As it was the 19th of February when
the barge, returned and brought us our intelligence; and the galeon
was not to fail till the 3d of March-, the Commodore refolved to
continue the greateft part o f the intermediate time on his prefent
Ration, to the weft ward o f Acapulco, conceiving that in this fitu-
ation there would'be léfs danger of his being feen from the fliore,
which' was the only circumftance that could deprive us-of the im-
menfe treafure, on which we had at prefent fcf eagerly fixed our
thoughts. During this interval we were employed in ferubbing:
and cleanfing our fliips bottoms, in bringing them into their moflr.
advantageous trim,, and in regulating the orders, fignals and pofi-
tions to be-obferved, when we Ihou-ld arrive off Acapulco; and the
time appointed for the departure o f the galeon fhould draw nigh:
It was on the firft of March v/t made the high lands; ufüally
called the paps over Acapulco, and got with-all poffible expedition
into the frtuation preferibed by the Commodore’s orders. The
diftribution: of our fquadron on this occafionj both-for the. intercepting.