R O U N D T H E W O R L D , 1 J5
which, as will be obferved, is the beft road for Ihipping; and (e)
tbeEaftbay. TheIfland’itfelf is of an irregular figure, as may-be
feen by a very exa£t plan of it here inferted. Its greateft extent
is between four and; five leagues, and its greateft breadth fome-
what Ihort o f two leagues. The only fafe anchoring in this Kland
is on the North-fide, where are the three bays mentioned above ;
but the middlemoft, known by the name of Cumberland Bay, is
the wideft and deepeft, and in allrefpe&s much- the beft; for the
other two, denominated the Eaftand Weft bays, 'are fcarcely more
than good landing-places, where boats may conveniently put their
calks on Ihore. A plan of the N. E. fide of the Illand, containing
thefe-three bays, drawn by a large fcale, is here inferted; where
it appears, that Cumberland Bay is well lecured to the fouthward,
and that it is only expofed from the N. by W . to the E. by S ;
and as the northerly winds feldom blow in that climate, and never
with any violence, the danger from that quarter is not worth attending
to. T o diftinguilh this bay the better at fea, I have added
a very exadt view o f it, which will enable all future Navigators.
readily to know it.
As the bay laft defcribed, or Cumberland Bay, is by far the moft:
commodious road in the Illand; fo it is advileable for all lhips to
anchor on the weftern fide of this bay, within little more than two
cables length of the beach. Here they may ride in forty fathom of
water, and be, in a great meafure, Iheltered from a large heavy
fga which conies rolling in, whenever an eaftern or a weftern. wind
blows. It is however expedient, in this cafe, to cackle or arm the
cable with an iron chain, or good rounding, for five or fix fathom
from the anchor, to lecure them from being rubbed by the foul-
nefs of the ground.
I have before oblerved, that a northerly wind, to which alone,
this bay is expofed, very rarely blew during our ftay here ; and, as
it was then winter, it may be fuppofed in other feafons to be lefts,
frequent. Indeed, in thole-few inftances whenit was in that quarter,
it did not blow with any great force; but this, perhaps,- might
Q 2 be