Thus much it has been thought uecefiiiry to pr.eraife, with re.
g?rd to the hydrographical and geographical part o f the enfuing
work j which, it is hoped, the reader will, on perufal, find much
ampler and more important than this flight Iketch can well explain.
But as there are hereafter, occafionally, interfperfed foine accounts
of Spaniß tranfadtipns, and many obfervations relating to the dif-
pofition o f the American Spaniards, and to the condition o f the
countries hordering on the South-Seas; and as herein I may appear
to differ greatly from the opinions generally eftablifhed j I think it
behoves me particularly to recite the authorities I have been guided
by m thebe matters, that I may not be ecufured, as having given
way either to a thoughtlefs credulity on one hand, or, what would
be a much more criminal imputation, to a wilful and deliberate
mifreprefentation on the other.
Mr. Anfin, before he bet bail upon this expedition, befides the
printed journals to thobe parts, took care to furnifh himbelf with
the belt manubeript accounts he could procure of all the Spaniß
fettlements upon the coafts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico: thebe he
carefully compared with the examinations o f his prifoners, and the
informations o f beveral intelligent perfon.s who fell into his handsi
jn the South-Seas. He had likewife the good fortune, in fome o f
his captures, to poffefs himfelf o f a great number of letters and
papers of a. public nature, many o f them written by the Viceroy
o f Peru to the Viceroy of Santa Fee, to the Prefideuts o f Panama
and Chill* to Don Blaß de Lezo, Admiral of the galeons, and to
divers other perfons in confiderable employments ; and in thefe letters
there was ufually infected a recital of thole they were intended
to anfwer: fo that they contained no bmall part o f the correlpon-
dence between thobe officers, for fome time previous to our arrival
on that coaft. We took, befides, many letters bent from perfons
intrufted by the Spaniß government to their friends and corre-
fpondents, which were frequently filled with narrations o f public
bufinefs, and fometimes contained undifguifed animadverfions on
the views and conduit of their fuperiors. From thefe materials
thole accounts of the Sßaniß affairs are drawn, which may, at firft
I N T R O D U C T I O N , Xv
fight, appear the mod exceptionable. In particular, the hiftoty o f
the various cafualties which befel Pizarro’s fquadron is, for the
moft part, eompofed from intercepted letters; though, indeed, the
relation o f the infurredtion of Orellana and his followers is founded
on rather a lefs difputable authority; for it was taken from the
mouth of an Englijh Gentleman then on board Pizarro, who often ■
converfed with Orellana ; and it was, upon enquiry, confirmed in
its principal circumftances by others,- who were in the fhip at the
fame time: fo that the fait, however extraordinary, is, I conceive,
not to be contefted'.
And, on this occafion, I cannot but- mention, that though I
have endeavoured, with my utmoft care, to adhefoftridtly fo truth
in every article of the enfuing narration ; yet I am apprehenfive,
that, in fo- complicated a,work, fome overfights muft have been
committed by the inattention to which, atfimes, all mankindard
liable. However, l am, as yet, confeious of none but literal and
rnfigffifteant miflakes; and,, i f there are others-more confiderable,.
whieh have efcaped me, I flatter myfelf. they are not of moment
enough to affedbany material tranfaftion ; and,, therefore, I hope
they may juftly claim the. reader's indulgence.
After this general account of the enfuing work, it might be
expedted, perhaps, that I fhould proceed to-the work itfelf; but
I cannot finiffi.this InfrodUdtion, without adding a few reflexions
on a matter very nearly-eonnedted with the prefent fubjedt, and,
as I' conceive, neither deftitute of utility, nor unworthy theatten--
tidn of the Public; I mean, the animating my countrymen,- both-
in their public- and private flatiopsi to the encouragement and-
purfuit of.all kinds of geographical and nautical obfervations, and
o f every fpecies o f mechanical and commercial information.. It
is by'a fettled thefe feemingly minute' particulars,,
that our ambitious neighbours have eftablifhed fome part of that
power with which we,are now ftruggling :. and as-we have the1
means in our.hands o f purfuing thefe fubjedts more effedtUally
titan they can, it would he a dilhonour to us longer to negle'dt fo -