■ viii C O N T E N T S .
C H A l>. X.
jin account o f the commerce carried on between the city o f Manila on
the IJland o f Luconia, and the port o f Acapulco on the coaft o f
Mexico, «Page 232
| C H A P. XI.
■ Our cruize off the port o f hcop\s\cofor the Manila Jhip, 249
C H A P . XII.
Defcription o f the harbour o f Chequetan, and o f the adjacent coaft
and country, • _ . 259
Our proceedings at Chequetan, and on the adjacent coaft, till our
Jetting Jailfor Afia, _ . (
C II A P. X IV .
A brief account o f what might have been expectedfrom our fquadron,
had it arrived in the South-Seas in good time, 279
B O O K I I I .
C H A P . I.
The run from the coaft o f Mexico to the Ladrones, or Marian
IJlands, 29 1
C H A P . II.
Our arrival at Tinian, and an account o f the IJland, and o f our
proceedings there, till the Centurion drove out to fea, 304
C H A P . III.
TranfaBions at Tinian after the departure o f the Centurion, 320
C H A P . IV. •
Proceedings on board the Centurion, when driven out to fea, 3 30
C H A P . V .
Employment at Tinian, till the final departure o f the Centurion//-«»
thence, with a defcription o f Ladrones, 334-
C H A P .
C O N T E N T S . uti
C H A P . VI.
From Tipjan to Macao, K I Page 345
C H A P . VII.
Proceedings at Macao, * aS3
Prom Macao to Cape Efpiritui Santo: th e taking o f the Manila
galeon., and returning back again, ■ 31°
C H A P . IX.
TranfaBions in the river /C an ton,
C H A P. X.
Proceedings at the city o f Canton, and the return o f the Centurion
to England,. ^ °2