Serjeant’s detachment, came and furrendered themfelves to us, fa
that with thofe we took in the Proa, we had now eight o f them
in our cuftody. One of the four who fubmitted undertook to (hew
us the molt convenient place for killing cattle, and two of our
men were ordered to attend him on that fervice j but one of them
unwarily trading the Indian with his firelock and piftol, the Indian
efcaped with them into the woods. His countrymen, who
remained behind, were apprehenfive o f differing for this perfidy
o f their comrade; and therefore begged leave to fend one o f their
own party into the country, who they engaged (hould both bring
back the arms, and perfuade the whole detachment from Guam to
fubmit to us. The Commodore granted their requeft; and one of
them was difpatched on this errand, who returned next day, and
brought back the firelock and piftol, but affured us, he had found
them in a path-way in the wood, and protefted that he had not
been able to meet with any one of his countrymen: This report
had fo little the air of truth, that we fufpedted there was Pome
treachery carrying on ; and therefore to prevent any future communication
amongft them, we immediately ordered all the Indians
who were in our power on board the (hip, and did not permit
them to go any more on (hore.
When our fick were well fettled on the Ifland, we employed
all the hands that could be (pared from attending them, in arming
the cables with a good rounding, feveral fathom from the anchor,
to fecure them from being rubbed by the coral rocks, which here
abounded. This being compleated, our next occupation was our
leak, and in order to raife it out of water, we, on the firft of
September, began to get the guns aft to bring the (hip by the Hern ;
and now the Carpenters, being able to come at it on the outlide,
they ripped off what was left o f the old (heathing, caulked all the
feams on both (ides the cut-water, and leaded them over, and then
new (heathed the bows to the furface of the water. By this means
we conceived the defedt was fufficiently fecured; but upon our beginning
to return the guns to their ports, we had the mortification
to perceive, that the water rufhed into the (hip in the old place,
with as much violence as ever. Hereupon we were neceffitated to
begin again 5 and that our fecond attempt might be more fuccefsful,
we cleared the fore (lore-room, and Pent a hundred and thirty barrels
of powder on board the fmall Spanijh bark we had feized here,
by which means we raifed the (hip about three feet out of the water
forwards. The Carpenters now ripped off the (heathing lower
down, new caulked all the feams, and afterwards laid on new
(heathing; and then fuppofing the leak to be effedtually (lopped,
we began to move the guns forwards; but the upper deck guns
were fcarcely replaced, when, to our amazement, it burft out
again. As we durft not cut away the lining within board, left a
but-end or a plank might dart, and we might go down immediately,
we had no other refource left than chinking and caulking
within board. Indeed by this means the leak was (lopped for
fome time; but when our guns were all fixed in their ports, and
our (lores were taken on board, the water again forced its way
through a hole in the ftem, where one o f the bolts was driven in :
We, on this, defifted from all farther efforts, being at laft well
aflured, that the defedt was in the ftem itfelf, and that it was not to
be remedied till we (hould have an opportunity o f heaving down.
In the firft part of the month of September, feveral o f our lick
were tolerably recovered by their refidence on (hore ; and, on the
1 2th of September, all thofe who were fo. far- relieved, fince their arrival,
as to be capable of doing duty, were fent on board the (hip :
And then the Commodore, who- was himfelf ill of the fcurvy,
had a tent eredted for him- on (hore, where he went with the
view of (laying a few days toellablifti his health, being convinced
by the general experience of his people, that no other method but
living on the land was to be traded to for the removal of this
dreadful malady. The place, where his tent was pitched on this
occafion, was near the well whence we got all our water, and was
indeed a mod elegant fpot. A view of it hath been already inferted