The Commodore, not to depart, from his ufual prudence, no
fooner came to an anchor in Macao road, than he difpatched an
officer with his compliments to the 'Porïugüeje Governor of Macao,
requefting his Excellency, by the fame officer, to advife him in
what manner it would be proper to aft, to avoid offending the
Chinefe, which, as ‘there were then four of our (hips in their power
at Canton, was a matter worthy o f attention. The difficulty,
Which thé Commodore principally apprehended, related tt> the
duty ufuailly paid by (hips in the river of Canton, accoitiing to
their 'tontfage.. Ft* as men o f War afe exempted in every foreign
harbour from all manner of port charges, the Commodore thought
it would be derdgïtory to the ho'ntour of his country, to fubmit to
this duty in China: And therefore he dèftred the advice of the
Governor of Maccto-, who, being an European, could not ‘be ignorant
Of the privileges claimed by a Eritifh man Of war, and con-
fequently might be expefted to give us the beft lights for obviating
this perplexity.. O k boat returned in the evening With two officers
fdnt by the Governor, who informed the Commodore, that it was
the Governor’s opinion, that i f the Centurion ventured into the river
Of Canton, the duty would certainly be expefted ; and therefore,
i f the Commodore approved of it, he would fend him a Pilot,
who fhould coiiduft us into another fafe harbour called the Typa,
which was every Way commodious for careening the (hip (an
operation we were refolved to begin upon as foon as poffible) and
where, in all probability, the above-mentioned duty would never
be demanded.
This propofal the Commodore agreed to, and in the morning
weighed anchor, under the direftion o f the Portuguefe Pilot, and
fteeredfor the intended harbour. As We entered between twolflands
which form the eaftern paffage to it, we found our foundings de-
creafed to three fathom and a h a lf: However the Pilot afluring us
that this Was the leaft depth we fhould meet with, we continued
our courfe, till at length the (hip ftuck 'faft in the mud, with
only eighteen feet water abaft 5 and, the tide of ebb making, the
1 water
water fewed to fixteen feet, bu.t the ftfip remained perfeftl^ upright
; we then founded all round us, and difcovering that the water
deepened to the northward, we carried out our fmall bower with
two hawfers an end, and at the return of the tide of flood hove the
fhip afloat ; and a hreez.e fpringing up at the fame inftant, we fet
the fore top-fail, and flipping the hawfer ran into the harbour,
where we moored in about five fathom water. This harbour of
the Eypa is formed by a number of Iflands, and is about fix miles
diftant from Macao. Here we faluted the caftle pf Macao with
eleven guns, which were returned with an equal number.
The next day the Commodpre paid ,avifitin perfon to the Governor,
and was faluted at his landing by eleven guns, which
were returned by the Centurion. Mr. Anforis bufinefs in.this vifit,
was to folicit the Governor to grant us a fupply both of provifions,
and of fuch naval (lores as were, neceflary to refit the (hip. The
Governor feeme.d really inclined to.do us all the.fervice he could;
and affured the Commodore, in a friendly manner, that he wpuld
privately give us all the afliftance in his power 5 but .he,.at the fame
time, frankly owned, that he dared not openly, to Turniffi us with
any thing we demanded, unlefs vve firft produced an order for it
from the- Viceroy Canton ; fincelje himfelf neither received provifions
for his ..garrifon, nor apy other peceffaries, but by .permiffion
from the Chinefe (government; and ps.they took care only to victual
him from day. to day, he was. indeed no other than their vaf-
fal, whom they could at all times compel to ..fubmit to their own
terms, by laying an.embargo on .his pro.vjfions.
On this declaration of the Governor, Mr. Anfon refolved himfelf
to go to Canton,..to procure,a.licence from the Viceroy; and
he accordingly hired a Chinefe .boat for .himfelf and his attendants;
but juft as he was.ready to embark,, the Hoppo.er. Chinefe, Cuftom-
hpufe officer of Macao refufed.to.grant a.permit to the boat, and
ordered the .watermen npt to proceed at their.peril. The Com'mo.-
dore at. fijtft. endeavoured to ..prevail with the Hoppoto .withdraw
his injunftion,. and .to grant a.permit; and the Governor of Macao
Z z 2 employed