R O U N D T H E W O R L D . 157
anchor very near the Ihore, and there lie expofed to all the winds
but a foutherly one: and, befides the inconvenience of the anchorage,
there is alfo a reef o f rocks running off the eaftern point o f
the Ifland, about two miles in length ; though there is little danger
to be feared from them, becaufe they are always to be feen by
the feas breaking over them. This place has, at prefent, one advantage
beyond the Ifland of Juan Fernandes; for it abounds with
goats, who, not being accuftomed to be difturbed, were no ways
fhy or apprehenfive o f danger, till they had been frequently fired
at. Thefe animals refide here in great tranquillity, the Spaniards
having not thought the Ifland confiderable enough to be frequented
by their enemies, and have not therefore been felicitous- to deftroy
the provifions upon i t ; fo that no dogs have been hitherto fet on
fhore there. Befides the goats, our people found there vaft numbers
of feals and fea-lions:'and, upon the whole, they feemed to-
imagine, that though it was not the mod eligible place for a lhip
to refrefh at, yet, in cafe of neceffity, it might afford feme fort o f
Ihelter, and prove of confiderable ufe,‘ efpecially to a Angle Ihip-
who might apprehend meeting with a fupenor force at Fernandes.
The appearance of its N. E. fide, and alfo of its Weft-fide,. may
be feen.in the two annexed plates. This may fuffice in relation;
■ to the Ifland of Mafa-Fuera. '
The latter part of the month of Augvji was fpent m unloading,
the provifions from the Anna Pink; when we had the mortification
to find, that great quantities of our provifions, as bread, ncer
groats, were decayed, and unfit for ufe. This was owing to
the water the Pink had made by her working and ftrainmg m bad.
weather; for .hereby fev-eral of hér calks had rotted, and her bags-
were foaked through. And now, as we had no farther oecafim*
for her fervice, the Commodore, purfuant to-his orders from thehoardof
Admiralty, fent notice to Mr. Gerard, her Maffer, that
he difeharged the Anna Pink from attending the fquadron ; and
gave him, at the fame time, a certificate, .fpecifying how long foe-
had been employed? In coiifequence of this difmiffion, -her Mafferwas