reader from the annexed draught of the Ifland of Lucoma, and of
its neighbouring ides, which was taken from the enemy, and had
been newly drawn, and corre&ed but a fhort time before.
The trade carried on from this place to China and different parts
of M ia , is principally for fuch commodities as are in tended to fup-
plv the Kingdoms of Mexico and Peru. Thefe are fpices, all forts
o f Chine re filks and manufadures, particularly filk ftockings, of
which I have heard that no lefs than fifty thoufand pair were the
ufual number (hipped in each cargoe 5 vaft quantities o i Indian
fluffs, as callicoes and chints, which are much worn in America,
together with other minuter articles, as s work, 4M
which is principally wrought at the city | W i g F %
Chinefe • for it is faid there are at leaft twenty thoufand Chtnefe who-
conftantly refide there, either as fervants, manufadurers, or brokers
All thefe different commodities are colleded at Manila,.
thence to be tranfported annually in one or more (hips, to the port
o f Acapulco, in the Kingdom of Mexico. , c
This trade to Acapulco is not laid open to all the inhabitants o
Manila, but is confined by very particular regulations, fomewhat
analogous to thofe by which the trade of the regifter (hips from
Cadiz to the 9 } Indies is reftrained. The (lnps employed herein
are found by the King of Spain, who pays the officers and crew;
and the tonnage is divided into a certain number of bales, all of the
fame fiz e : Thefe are diftributed amongft the Convents at Manila,
but principally to the Jefuits, as a donation, to fupport their
miffions for the propagation of the Catholic Faith | and the Convents
have hereby a right to embark fuch a quantity of goods on
board the Manila (hip, as the tonnage of their bales amounts to
or i f they chufe not to be concerned in trade themfelves, they have
the power of felling this privilege to others : Nor is it uncommon;
when the Merchant to whom they fell their (hare is unprovided
of a flock, for the Convents to lend him confiderable fums of money
on bottomry; The