188 L O R D A N S O N ’ S V O Y A G E
As the veffel on which the money was to be fhipped was efteemed
a prime failer, and had juft received a new coat of tallow on her
bottom, and might, in the opinion of the prifoners, be able to fail
the fucceeding morning; the character they gave o f her, left us
little reafon to believe that our fhip, which had been in the water
near two years, could have any chance of coming up with her, if
we once fufiered her to efcape out of the Port. Therefore, as we
were now difcovered, and the coaft would be foon alarmed, and
as our cruifingin thefe parts any longer would anfwer no purpofe;
the Commodore refolved to endeavour to furprize the place, having
firft minutely informed himfelf of its ftrength and condition, and
being fully fatisfied that there was little danger of loling many of
our men in the attempt. This attack on Paita, befides the trea-
fure it promifed us, and its being the only enterprize it was in our
power to undertake, had thefe other advantages attending; that
we ihould, in all probability, fupply ourfelves with great quantities
of live provilions, o f which we were at this time in want; and
that we Ihould likewife have an opportunity of fetting our prifoners
on (hore, who were now very numerous, and made a greater
confumption o f our food than our flock that remained was capable
o f furnilhing long. In all thefe lights, the attempt was a moft
eligible mne, and what our neceflities, our lituation, and every
prudential confideration, prompted us to. How it fucceeded, and
how far it anfwered our expectations, {hall be the fubjeCt of the
following chapter.
C H A P .