T he various institutions-of jfch© Dervisessare established upon'different
principles; cEacb founder give a distinctive; character to his
sect, -by; the'statu tes,' regulations', and practices, .which he appointed;
The differences,; which we may remark in • them, extend- even to
'their ires».. Each order has its particular - costume; and in most-of
>thenvwe may i observe a’ difference even betweerinffae Dervises; Snd
their Scheiks, or superiors, -particularly in their turbans, the form of
their dress, théceolour andnatureof the stuff of which it is made.
The Scheiks generally' wear a robe of ; white or green cloth, while
very few Dervises are permitted ever to wear cloth. A ‘species;-of
■felt, called aha,'which .isinanufactured in'some o f th e towns of
Anatolia, is the usual material of their dress. Those, among the
Dervises,who are most actuated by zeal, voluntarily undergo the most
austere acts. In order to prevent their falling asleep, some of them
•will stb dnring the whole night in the most inconvenient and irksome
-positions. ’ They will often’sit with then? knees and hands fastened
:hya l e ^ e m strap rormdïtheir neck asvefoseyup to their ßtceäs ppsW
sibbe: ’ -Others wili tre-their tuft-of 'haif hya'.cofdfto-the ceiling, tab
that they cannot lie down. This plate represents the form of their
hair. ■ |