- ELATE L Ï j St
A T C H O C A D A l
I f we limit our ideas of ostentation and magnificence to what we'
are accustomed to see inm o st parts o f Europe, w e shall' have b u t a
feint conception of th e extent !t p w lfc h it is c â riiê# io BtihlljS. * No?'
is* i t eonfined^ only^'ttit th e Grand SlgniOp and his^offieers o f state,
whose attendants a re v e iy g re a t; but évérjf' person^ who can afford^
it, constantljeinploys a great, numbet ofdchhestics, called Tchocadara ?
an d on-particular occasions th e Turks Will ride'on-hdrséback albng’
the Streets o f Constantinople, followed b y ten or twenty, and those,
who. sfrdgjejsji even b y 'ah h u n d red 'o fth e se attendants' tin'foot?