of the females- of 'this island, lifce 'itiost .of thGse in the
fither islands oftb e Archipelago, is yerf pleasingand interesting,
especially when'worn by the young and ‘ beautiful. And the Grecian
beauty perhaps canrtot he excelled. This" island'takes' it» hame
from Andros»' -the son-of Amins, Ofie of lic k Maguj atfhki%Klf wto
also Icnown hy thg'aiieients hyseveral other names. I t wasr'fidfe,'
that Bapchus had a temple, neat WMchf-Wasra feontaiof“Wh®se
.waters annuahy,'during the ides of January, .tasted^®®'
hare witnessed (says Anacharsis) those transports of ’ jpyf with.
° f Bacchus inspire the-rnind." ri was- -«» the
deck of a vessel'returning from Euboea, ray eyes fixed towards the
•east- to, watdft first when a th o n sa n d
shouts tb e is la h d o f Andros. T h e opening day discovered
an eminence crowned w ith an eleganttemple. The people*
were collected from all sides towards it, and first lifting their hands
.towards th e sky, they prostrated themselves f o 'tb e groundv'and
gave themselves u p tQ.the most unrestrained emotions of joy. W e
■landed, and were drawn- from cariosity towards the hill,''where a
of voices exclaimed, Hasten, an d ta s te ‘these1 stre am so f
Wine* which flow from th e temple o f Bacchus f t® this instant they
Were formed o f the purest water.' Bacchus is th e au th o r o f this
u drade, and every year on the same day, and a t th e same hour, he
performs th e same prodigy* which lasts- during seven days.” §