A S A I L O R .
I t has before been observed, that the Turkish navy, although rather
‘is-tM vtery forffiittelble. The Turks themselves are
averse to. the sea, and many of 'their baft sailors are Greeks:' b u t
even these arse in general ignorant of the Mtehee. of navigdtiori, #-*
-though tid y possess mu eh pfaetieal Skill in Seas, they are acquainted
with. The thirty first CMabtOf ®yjtoi®®les, whose ;§yttbfil is an
anchor, is employedlirtlmrta Service:; feut these fdrmbhiy a vefy
small part of ifte maifee-, and toe chiefly eteployedr ifi fighting.
When the service of the state requires it, the Sultan orders a
levy to he fflade from all the Greefe isfe&dsr which art feqtfirtd fipf-
furnish a cCrtiafin number of sailorS. These however tote used only
for the purpose o f manoeuvring the ships; the musSuKtieri,who are
on board, ate employed either in attack or defence.