t h e g r a n d viz ier.
T a i* officer is possessed of the first situation in theTurkishgofernr
öient. t H e is'appointed byUhe Grand Signer, in Whose naffie' he
conductrêvery thing.' The-most important affairs are entrusted to
his charge, and he possesses the power q f life and death, over all.
But as his authority-and power afe so great, he is also equally re_
sponsihte not only to the Sultan, but the people, who pet unfre-
quently demand his head,- when unfortunate events, in themselves
perhaps quiteuneonneeted w fih tb is officer, or at least beyond his
eontroul, happen to take'place. - A frequency of conflagration, a
sudden dearness or searcity of-provisions, th^defeat of an army, in
short, any calamity whatsoever is a sufficient reason for the loss of
There have however been: some limits put Id the paw» of the
Vizierduring the reignr o f Selim HI. He eannot order the head o f
great character to be taken off but by theautbority and sign
manual o fth e Sultan himself, nor of a military man without the
consent of his commanders.