R E I S E F F E N D I.
T he office of- Rei’s EfFendi unites what in Europe would Be called
Secretary of State, high Chancellor of the Empire, and Minister for
Foreign Affair», Prom the great? extent and importance of his employ--'
ment this officer is reckoned oue: of first iÿ th e Turkish empire.
Every order of the1 Porte, which is not immediately connected w ith
tlè finances, or military operations, passes through his bandsf and
mnst have his signature. He négociâtes and confers witfi’all the
foreign ministers, who- are at Constantinople. Ih faef, every thing
relative to foreign affairs, âs well as all the administration’ of the
interior, passes through the hands o f the Reis EfFendi. Sut even
with all this power and business he is obliged to consult the Grand
Vizier, ‘and follow Eis directions.'' - If, however, he is thss ohlgsd'
to be obedient to the orders of the Vizier, the Reis EfFendi by these
means transfers the responsibility, and consequently the danger, ’ o f
every act to that officer.