A J E W .
' I s no country does that persecuted race enjoy more privileges than
it' does at Constantinople;- The Jews are put upon the samé föoti
ing with Turks; and even in some .instance have greater liberty!
They profess their own religion, and are judged h y their own laws!
unless they appeal to the law of the country!. They consequently
possess a greit degree of respectability and great - riches, because a
'very- con siderable part of the trade passes. thrpugh their hands, most
. of.the rich merchants being Jews. Almost the whole management
also o f the affairs of the indoMtTurks is intrusted to 'some
person. o£ this tribes and every thing is transacted by
nally, iBdeed» they dQ not appearJ probably through fear, with much
©agmfieen.Ge i but great .pomp antf-luxury are to .'be seen.- in their
houses. Such is the account given by Dallaway in .his travels! But
a late French writer/'Citizen G. A. Olivier, in sp eak in g ^ thé Jews,
They present themselves under far more unfavourable colours'
than? ignorant, moré'poor,, more- fanatic! they
give, themselves up toeven the lowest sort oftrade!” The. abuse!
however! which: he loads them, with, is rather unfavourable to his
justice as an historian.'