Jmm uayiiSOS. by W?JMUc O lZ Z o n Z S ir6Zondori,.
P L iS fE X X I ^
A~ X> E It VI S E.
The enliia's««. ' with which Mahomet so
tocftt iniinbcr of di ftcrect seen.?, each 0? which, in. w
dulous people, seemed absolutely detached from tbeworld
.austerity of their way of life, •
■ T h e different orders of Dervises originated in the two s<
Ebu Bekir; and o f AB* arid.they were a’i probably fu n d e d
of the most enthusiastic or aaibitious minds. Each gave l»-
narne to the -see* in- formed* ■ ftt the. tune tfj
inferred a mi&d felled with feus©ihfy* dcsrrooa or retreat,
vertng ii> practice t e charaeter fot whfeh these jnseBbted**
brated. The number of* these societies» or a t least <
«derable, is n ow about th irty -two ; a n d tb e dd^britaee m th c s
attributes they #sCr