PLATE 304:
A N j I N II A B I T A N T
S imia. is one of the numerous islands, scattered all over the Archipelago.'
It is at a. very small distance from the Asiatic coast j and a
little to the Borth of the island of Rhodes. ■ Most of these islands
were formerly the cause offrequent wars, and were sometimes subject
to one power, sometimes to another, and manyof thearwere
often also independentof allplpbey havermsy, however,'for agreat
length of time, been , subject, to the Turkish government, which
derives7'an annual tributefrom each of them.
i It has been remarked before, that the dress of . the women in
many o f these islands was ertremelypicturesque and becoming.
The present, perhaps, is only partially so, on account of .the conceal-
ment of the lower part of the face; as well as 0» of the
form o f ..the body, which is too. undeterminate, and therefore appears
ill formed.