D a lv im a r t. D e tin
Du iltih'd Jajuiar'i fMtS. mf M d - B o M d Sir. b£&rvtio
| g|j§jg— -- FI/ATEX. :
" OF THE ■ G&.AH ,D; 8£i
T hs Pages o f 3ie Sultan, who hold a rati
than is to.be inferred from what n e met
least they often arrive at the most imports
in a very peculiar manner.' P -
' There is, in the large Suburb o f O&aai
e t tensive building or paJace,iti which a co
•re maintain««! at the espense/d'the gs
jLebiogans. From this body am tbnpa^d
p.'iendccl b y Cofljas, or laastefg, wfat>
ajhi, and Archie ‘iujgns:c5 and th e art s4
*rc also'instructed i*> vatioo* «j*#» mstiom
about the Sultan’s person, Iditriy o f thru«
VS'fbr theiiiferior si tu&t toiis of the seraglio