T w robes, d allai pelises, ïte' now very generally worn inC o n -
stantinople. The common artificers, soldiers, and countrymen,
not only havepelises o f lamb or shfiep skins, of the furs ®féatSrl0F'
squirrels, &c. which they wear » win te r, but aisé made o f tb s
gbina o f wild foetes an d ü n à ; the latter are generally worn by the
common citizens: the price o f these varies according to th e colour,
quality, and length ofthairi T h e ermine, the common m a rten , the
white fax, h u t particularly th é sable, are found in the wardrobes
o f rich and distinguished people.
■ ;î The Turks very often' ch an ts their outside habits, a t different
seasons 'of A é jeüÜt awtfflBt & never the business of fashion* bttt
etiquette, to assume, o r leave off, th e various robes. The days are
fixed every year by th e Sultan, Thé d ay he changes his scat o f far,
which is generally on a Friday, when he goes to the mosque, an
officer of the seraglio goes in form to the Grand Vbaieafs, and acquaints
him of it : when th e whole court immediately d® th e same.