VIOLA flavicornis.
Dwarf Yellow-spurred Violet.
P E N T A N E R IA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. 5-Ieaved, lengthened out at the
base. Pet. 5, irregular, the lowermost spurred
behind. Anthers slightly cohering. Caps, superior,
of one cell with three valves.
Spec. Char. Stem ascending, woody, somewhat
angular, much branched. Leaves heart-shaped,
coriaceous, smooth, and even. Stipulas and
bracteas fringed. Calyx-leaves lanceolate. Sm.
Syn. Viola flavicornis. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 1. 304.
Hook. Brit. FI. 107.
V. canina y. Huds. FI. Angl. 379. Sm. FI. Brit.
V. pumila. Fill. PI. Dauph. v. 2. 666. ? DeCand.
Prod, v 1. 299. ?
Violas caninas varietatem, si non speciem diversam,
observavit D. Du Bois. Dill, in Raii Syn. *5.
364. t. 2 4 ./. 1.
(3. Viola alpina. Huds. FI. Angl. ed. I. 331.
V. canina y. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 1. 363.
V. canina S. Huds. FI. Angl. ed. 2. 379. Sm. FI.
Brit. 247.
V. canina (3. minor. DeCand. Prod. v. 1. 296.
V. martia alpina folio tenello circinato. Raii Syn.
Yellow Rock Violet. Pet. FI. Brit. t. 37. f . 6.
n n
JL HIS little Violet, found by Du Bois in pastures near
Mitcham, was brought into notice by Dillenius as a variety
of V. canina, if not a different species, and thought worthy
of being figured in his edition of Ray’s Synopsis. It is not
uncommon on heaths. The specimen with the smaller flowers