TILIA grandifolia.
Broad-leaved Lime-tree.
Gen. Char. Cal. in 5 divisions, deciduous. Pet. 5.
Caps, superior, leathery, obovate, of several close
cells and valves. Seeds few.
Spec. Char. Nectaries none. Leaves downy, especially
beneath ; young shoots hairy. Umbels
3-flowered. Capsule woody, downy, turbinate
with prominent ribs.
Syn. Tilia grandifolia. Ehrh. Beitr. v. 5. 158.
Arb. 8. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 2.18.
T. europæa e. Linn. Sp. PI. 753. S. ibid. ?
T. europæa y et S. Huds. Fl. Angl. 232. Sm. Fl.
Brit. 571.
T. corallina. Sm. in Rees Cycl. n.2. Comp. edA. 94.
T. platyphylla. DeCand. Prod. v. 1. 513.
T. maximo folio. Bauh. Hist. v. 1. Pt. II. 137/.
T. foliis molliter hirsutis, viminibus rubris, fructu
tetragono. Raii Syn. ed. 2. 316. ed. 3. 473.
T. sylvatica nostras, foliis amplis, hirsutie pube-
scentibus, fructu tetragono, pentagono, aut hexa-
gono. Pluk. Almag. 368.
T. ulmifolia semine hexagono. Merr. Pin. 118?
Dill, in Raii Syn. 473 ?
S e n t from the foot of Boxhill, toward Dorking, by desire
of Mr. Borrer; the ribbed fruit is added from Woodford,
Essex. Very large trees are found in old plantations
in various parts of Great Britain, but, like Tilia europcea,
scarcely indigenous. T.parvifolia appears to be the only
species really native.
Branches brown, smooth, first year shoots hairy. Leaves
full (foliis amplis), not flat, four or five inches broad, pointed,