ULVA crispa,
Crisp Ground Ulva.
Gen. Char. Frond membranaceous, green, plane,
sometimes saccate and inflated in the young1
state. Fructification minute granules mostly
arranged in fours.
Spec. Char. Fronds crowded, deep green, rounded,
inflated, much wrinkled and folded.
Syn. Ulva crispa. Light/. FI. Scot. 972. FI. Dan.
1840./. 1. Agardh, Syst. Alg. 190. Spec. Alg.
v. 1. 416. Grev. Brit. Alg. 175.
U. terrestris tenerrima viridis crispa. Raii Syn. 64.
U. terrestris. Lyngb. Hyd. Dan. t. 6. E.
U. lactuca y. Huds. FI. Angl. 567.
Tremella terrestris tenera crispa. Dill. Hist. Muse,
t. 1 0 ./ 12. A. B. C. D.
G tROWING on moist shady ground, thatched roofs, etc.
in winter and spring. Fronds very much crowded, forming
a dense stratum about an inch in thickness, loosely attached
to the soil. Each plant is rounded, very thin and tender, but
not gelatinous, of a deep green, changing to a dull yellow
green in drying, much crisped and folded. Under a good
lens it is seen to be most beautifully and neatly divided into
different square plots separated by parallel pellucid lines,
and these again into squares, consisting each of four square
granules; thus forming a triple arrangement of squares,
compared by Agardh to the parterres of a garden. Agardh
suspects that U. furfuracea, figured by D r. Greville both in