C Y S T E A angustata.
Deep-cut Bladder-fern.
Gev. Char. Caps, in roundish scattered masses.
Cover orbicular, concave, fixed by a lateral point
underneath, finally reflexed and jagged.—Sm.
Spec. Char. Frond oblong, doubly pinnate ; leaflets
lanceolate, decurrent, wavy or pinnatifid, with
linear, acute, partly cloven segments. Masses
scattered, permanently distinct.— Sm.
Syn. Cystea angustata. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 4. 301 ;
omitting the syn. of Ray and Bauhin, and Aspi-
dium rhæticum, Willd.
Cystopteris dentata (3. Hook. Brit. FI. ed. 2. 443.
Cyathea fragilis (3. FI. Brit. 1139; omitting the
syn. of Ray and Plukenet.
Polypodium fragile angustatum. Hoffm. in Roem.
and Ust. Mag. 9. 11./. 14. d.
P. tenue. Hoffm. FI. Germ. v. 2. 9.
P. rhæticum. Dicks. H. Sicc. fasc. 1. 17. With.
780. Bolt. Fil. 80. t. 45.
P. polymorphum A. rhæticum. Villars, Dauph,
v.3. 846. i. 5 3 ./. A.
Aspidium fragile (3. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 3. 281.
Filix pumilas axatilis altera. Clus. Hist. v. 2. 212. f.
Pann. 766. f .
F. saxatilis non ramosa, nigris maculis punctatis.
Bauh. Pin. 358. Moris, v. 3. 581. sect. 14. ƒ. 4.
ƒ■ 28.
Filicula petræa mas. Ger. Em. 1142./.
T ?H IS Fern, the drawing of which was made from a garden
specimen of native origin, probably occurs in many parts