Descr. 2698. The plate to which this refers is in some copies numbered 2694.
— 2718 and 2719. The numbers of the plates are accidentally reversed.
— 2723, line 4 from the bottom, erase the comma.
-— 2732, after Syn. insert Callitriche autumnalis.
— 2738, Chara aspera. This plant kept in a tub of water near London
gradually lost its bristles, and produced nucules the first year.
Young plants have been repeatedly produced with both nucules
and globules together and very few bristles, in fact
completely changed into Chara vulgaris.—Dec. 1834. Would
transferring it to a colder climate reproduce Ch. aspera'!
—J. D. C. S.
— 2742, add I cosandria Polygynia.
— 2748, add, There is in Mr. Sowerby’s herbarium a specimen of Silene
patens, gathered at Dover by Edward Forster, Esq., in 1822.
— 2752, Crocus speciosus. Cultivation and comparison with specimens
from Nottingham have shown that this is hardly even a variety
of C. nudiflorus, t. 491.
— 2765 and 2766, at the end, add Fig. a., seed of S. asper-, Fig. b., that
of S. oleraceus.
— 2769, second page, for lines 6 and 7, substitute
V. agrestis /3. Sm. FI. Greec. 6. t. 8.
V. polita /3. Hook. Brit. FI. ed. 2. 8.
— 2783 and 2784. The numbers of the plates to which these descriptions
refer are in some copies reversed.