Branched Yellow Rattle.
D ID YN AM IA Angiospermia.
Gen. Char. Cal. inflated, 4-lobed. Upper lip of
the Corolla compressed. Caps, of 2 cells, blunt,
compressed. Seeds imbricated, flat.
S p e c . C h a r . Stem much branched. Leaves linear-
lanceolate, serrated. Bracteas taper-pointed.
Calyx smooth. Style permanent. Seeds slightly
bordered. Sm.
S y n . Rhinanthus major. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 3. 121.
Hook. Brit. FI. 284. Ehrh. Herb. 56. ?
R. Crista galli (3. Linn. Sp. PI. 840. Willd. Sp.
PI. v. 3. 189. Huds. FI. Angl. 268. Sm. FI.
Brit. 649. Winch FI. North. 41.
Crista galli angustifolia montana. Bauh. Pin. 163.
Prod. 86.
Pedicularis major angustifolia ramosissima, flore
minore luteo, labello purpureo. Dill, in Raii
Syn. *284.
F o u n d by Dr. Richardson among corn near Borough-
bridge, and between Wetherby and Catall, in Yorkshire;
also on the borders of Scotland near West Newton in
Northumberland. The specimen now figured was communicated
by Mr. Samuel Hailstone1, gathered, in company
with Mr. James Backhouse, at Stockton, a village four miles
from York, from which place it was sent to Sir James
Edward Smith by Mr. Backhouse, and not from Stockton
in D urham, so that the words “ many other parts of the
county,” as quoted in English Flora, will apply to York-
1 Erroneously called J. Hailstone in this work, under Woodsia ilvensis,
n. 2616.