NEOTT IA gemmipara.
Proliferous Ladies’ Traces.
GYNANDRIA Monandtia.
Gen. Char. Anther parallel to the stigma, 2-celled,
permanent. Pollen-masses without stalks. Cal.
converging, embracing the base of the flat nectary,
which is without a spur. Pet. converging.
Column without wings.
Spec. Char. Leaves lanceolate, as tall as the stalk.
Spike 3-ranked, twisted. Bracteas smooth.
Stigma subulate.
Syn. Neottia gemmipara. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 4. 36.
Hook. Brit. FI. ed. 2. 373.
Spiranthes gemmipara. Lindl. Syn. 257.
O n e of the rarest and most interesting additions to the
British Flora since the termination of the English Botany.
It is still indeed so rare and so little known, that no opportunity
could be obtained of figuring or describing it from a
fresh plant, and we have gladly availed ourselves of the
permission of the Linnean Society to examine the original
specimen in Sir J . E. Smith’s herbarium. The following
account of it, “ given by the accurate Mr. Drummond,
and communicated to” Sir J . E. Smith, “ in August 1810,
by the Rev. Mr. Hincks of Cork,” is copied from the English
Flora. The only place in which it was ever found is “ near
Castletown, opposite to Bear Haven, on the northern side of
Bantry Bay, County of Cork, in small quantities.” “ Root
of two thick, fleshy, downy, annual, perpendicular knobs,
each about 3 inches long,and Jthof an inch in diameter near