R UME X alpinus.
Alpine Dock, or Monk’s Rhubarb.
Gen. Char. Cal. of 3 leaves, combined at the base.
Cor. of 3 petals. Stigmas multifid. Nut triquetrous,
covered by the enlarged petals, which often
bear tubercles.
Spec. Char. Flowers monoecious. Enlarged petals
cordate, reticulated, obscurely toothed at the margin
; one bearing a small grain. Leaves broadly
cordate, ample. Whorls leafless, crowded.
Syn. Rumex alpinus. Linn. Sp. PL 480. Campd:
Rum. 105. Hook. Br. FI. 168.
Rumex cordifolius. Horn.—Reichenb. Iconogr.
Bot. t. 487. (excellent).
I ilN N iE U S well observes of this plant, “ Statura et mag-
nitudo Rhei.” Hence probably, aided by the domestic use
of the root, it has obtained the name of Monk’s Rhubarb.
This species was not admitted to a place among our native
plants till the publication of our British Flora, and it was
so done on the authority of the Rev. M. J . Berkeley, who
found it, in 1824, by the side of the Fruin-water of Ban-
nachra, Dumbartonshire ; and because we ourselves found
it in a situation, as apparently wild, in the same year, in the
valley formed by the Gare Loch, separated by a high chain
of mountains from the station of Mr. Berkeley.
It is perennial, flowering in July ; is remarkable for the
large and very broadly cordate, obtuse, or even retuse, lower
leaves, downy on the underside upon the nerves and reticulations.
The upper ones are small and ovato.lanceolate,